
That's one of my favorite verses. Not the one I was thinking of, though. James 4:13-15, only intended much more gently and cheerfully...

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I love the one you quoted. I realize that the one I was thinking of could be interpreted harshly, but I don't interpret it that way. I see it more as... Make your plans but be open to when God completely derails them, knowing that He's working things out for our good. Like the rather dark book of Ecclesiastes, I've come to see these verses as loving and comforting. One day at a time, for sure.

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Beautiful view, Deleyna. You've converted me to that perspective -- but I would second that we should consider looking at these things as comforting. I do. Not always, of course, but when you stop, use a rational mind and a soft heart, the harshness of things roll away, knowing that your Father in Heaven loves you.

This is for our good, if you are willing to truly look.

Thank you for your input and views. Lovely.

Made my day.

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Prayers sent, my friend. And sharing an odd thought... there's a Bible verse about not planning for the future. Doesn't actually mean not planning, but more about being flexible: if the Lord wills, I will ____ and we see it in Paul's life and many others. Sometimes I think about that when I'm working on author plans. Planning is awesome. But being flexible and going with it when things change? That's where the real power is, IMHO.

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I know the verse you're talking about. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

I like your view. For me it's telling me not to worry. Not to stress, be present in the now. Do what you can. Have faith and don't let life overwhelm you.

That what I get from that.

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This is my favorite time of year. Happy holidays. Live long and prosper. and let the force be with you.

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