I’m home, I’m happy, I’m on track!
…and I missed you SO much =)
In this video, I started with some personal reflections on overcoming insecurities—something we’ve all faced. I talked about how we sometimes hide parts of ourselves out of embarrassment, but eventually, someone comes along to remind us that life isn’t as scary as it seems. When that happens, we stand up, dust ourselves off, and move forward. From there, I moved into updates, including the exciting news that BB Wing’s album hit number one in Clockwork City! You can listen to it for free on LifeOfFiction.com or buy it for $7 on SoundWise. I also gave an update on the Choices cover—after tons of feedback, we’re sticking with the smiley face design David Farland always encouraged me to keep. Trust me, it’s going to work.
On top of that, I shared that Season 2 of The Underlings is completely written and currently being edited. We’re on track for a timely release. Then, for some fun, I threw in a story about having lunch with a mayor, not for politics, just because we’re old friends. Finally, I wrapped up with a contest update: we’ve got a referral leaderboard on LifeOfFiction.com. The top referrer each month gets to spend an hour with me on Zoom—whether that means singing, chatting about writing, or just hanging out. It’s a chance to have some fun and get creative together!
Microwave version:
Kicked off with some personal reflection on overcoming insecurities.
BB Wing’s album hit #1 in Clockwork City, available on LifeOfFiction.com.
You can stream the album for free or buy it on SoundWise.
After community feedback, we’re sticking with the smiley face design for Choices.
Choices will feature a black cover, like previous books—it just works!
Season 2 of The Underlings is written and in editing; release is on track.
Shared a fun story about having lunch with a long-time friend who’s now a mayor.
Reminder: Stick to the smiley design—advice from David Farland.
Announced a contest on LifeOfFiction.com with cool prizes for referrals.
Top referrer each month gets a Zoom hangout with me—singing encouraged!
Cya soon!
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