Why YOU Should See WONKA
It didn’t take over my all-time favorite #1 spot, but it did make it into the top three...and for good reason.
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If you have listened to my recent Morning Coffee videos, you’ve likely heard me talking about how excited I was to have WONKA come to the big screen.
The first time I heard of the movie, I darted to YouTube to feast on the trailer. Over and over I played it…grinning ear to ear as tears ran down my face. Can’t completely explain why this story, and I mean the original Gene Wilder film, affects me so deeply…but it is my childhood.
To date, I know that I have watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory over 100 times. Easily. How many more I can’t tell you, but I love it so much, you could put it on loop and I wouldn’t stop it for weeks.
So when I learned there would be an origin story to what I deem the greatest fictional character ever made, I was beside myself. I counted the days to its release, while my oldest son pleaded with me not to see it.
“Why would you ask me not to go?” I said.
“Because you love that movie so much, there’s no way Hollywood will meet your expectations…and I’d hate to see you disappointed,” he said. “Worse than that, have your favorite movie tarnished.”
It was a sound concern, and the latter part of the argument worried me enough. I decided not to go.
When the movie came out, my baby sister called me, said she was going to see it…and because we like most of the same movies, including the original, she’d let me know how it was.
She never called back. So I called her.
“We walked out halfway through the movie,” she told me. “It just wasn’t anything like the original, which was so disappointing.”
Honestly, I was hopeful.
Then My Brother Called
A few days later, my little brother called, asking if’ I’d seen Wonka.
“WHY NOT?!?” he said, completely shocked. “You’d LOVE this film, Jaime!”
When I explained all that happened and the remarks by both my son and our sister, he grunted. “I totally disagree with both of them. My wife and I went to see it last night, and I’m telling you, this is a movie you’re going to love.”
His explanation, that the storyline was rooted in Willy's relationship with his mother, won me over.
So I went to go see it with my wife.
…and I’m so glad that I did.
Why YOU Should See WONKA
The first thing I noticed was how clean the movie was.
That’s not usually something I notice. Wonka was a movie I wouldn’t hesitate to take my 4yr old daughter to see. In fact, we are taking her at 4pm today…along with all the other kids.
My second, and most profound impression, was that you can’t connect this film to the original with Gene Wilder.
It’s not possible.
My wife figured this out in under five minutes, while it took me nearly 20 minutes to come to the same conclusion: the two films are completely unconnected.
Wonka is about young Willy…who has not discovered who he is, what he has to do, and has not had the life experiences of his older self. In this origin story, a young, kind, loving, and trusting individual gets exposed to the world. You and I both know it doesn’t turn out to be as kind as Willy thought it would be.
Yet, that doesn’t stop him from returning good for evil.
…and he does it with a smile on his face.
When I realized this story was to be enjoyed by its own merits, the magic happened to me. The pure love and devotion Willy has for his mother struck home for me. That connection brought tears to my eyes, while my heart swelled in my chest.
I loved every moment.
Wonka Isn’t Perfect
I’m not a fan of musicals, but I still enjoyed Wonka for this.
It was a fun, strange, often sweet, and laugh-out-loud, comical, with bad guys who suffer the effects of the Golden Rule.
Yes, I would say that some of the music was cheesy, but I’ll also defend the movie by saying that more than anything, it was innocent.
How many movies can you say THAT about?
My point is — if you have a little child within you, one that is searching for wonder — Wonka just might be the film for you.
But It’s Become One Of My Favorites
Wonka has staked a solid claim as one of my top five favorite films of all time.
Yes, I feel it was that good, regardless of what critics or Hollywood slammers may say. Looking at it from the heart of a 11-year-old boy, I fell in love with the magic of Willy Wonka all over again.
I guess I’m just motivated by simpler, and more innocent, things. Besides that, Timothée Chalamet was perfect as Willy Wonka. Just odd enough, without the creepy vibe the remake brought to the screen.
I will recommend this film to families at every turn.
In fact, I convinced one of my good friends yesterday to see the film, and he doesn’t like Willy Wonka.
…but who doesn’t like a good, honest kid who loves his mom?
Go see it.
You might not like it as much as I do,…but you might.
Plus, any film who can get Huge Grant to be an Oompa Loompa get’s my vote.
Have you seen the movie? Leave a comment!
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