It’s 3am in the Rocky Mountains as I sit down at my custom-built white oak writing desk, a handmade gift from my sons. The sound of rain and thunder echo against the walls, soft vibrations under my feet, soothing music to my soul.
It sounds like creation.
Mmm, I’m in my element.
Could this be a casual conversation of the gods? Perhaps talking about the events of the forthcoming day or the plans they have to strike down unbelievers in ways that look curiously like bad luck? Who knows, maybe they are just talking about…the weather?
Naww. It’s more than likely they’re discussing one of the greatest competitions only whispered among humankind.
A competition where gods and their angels wage war against demons and their hordes. Where heroes gather their strength, will and skill to do the impossible, to carve their epic story into the Book of Remembrance. Scientists and workers of magic reveal their skill, displayed in articles of power. Organizations reach out from the shadows, reaping their profits from a society suffering under the rule of a stronger nation.
This is a competition unlike anything else you’ve witnessed. Millions of potential candidates calling forth worlds and wonders to enter the fray, and anyone has the potential to win.
Even a one-legged gnome janitor, named ‘Bob’, can swoop in and snatch the grand prize.
Welcome to Summer Camp
If you’re a writer, game creator, GM for a TTRPG, or like me you’re an artist, you may have heard of an amazing platform. One that gained over a million users not long after the launch, called World Anvil. You could call it many things, but I affectionately call it the hub of mortal creation. Each year on July 1st, begins one of the biggest creative competitions anywhere.
The World Anvil Summer Camp. 31 days, 33 prompts, UNLIMITED INSPIRATION!
If you could see me right now, you’d find me bouncing in my chair. I’m so excited! This competition brings the best creative minds together in the world. You not only get to test your skills in world-building, you have the blessed opportunity to rub shoulders with the kindest community you’re likely to find online.
The best part about this competition is that you’re only racing against yourself.
That’s right.
The entries can be from any genre. In fact, there are 57 general categories to choose from and virtually infinite sub-categories after that. Doesn’t matter if your write epic fantasy like me, science fiction, historical fiction, even romance.
What does that mean to a reader? For those who love reading fiction of ANY kind, Summer Camp is a freakin’ candy store for sugar addicts.
…and I’m about to hand you the key to the store (more on this very soon).
From Campfire Karaoke to Marshmallow Mayhem
I discovered WorldAnvil talking to a naked fat man on Twitch. No, that’s a story for another time, the POINT is that I found this platform. This was when I’d built I don’t know how many sites, and each got hacked. Nasty people who would link my artwork to porn sites, and I was tired of fighting, but I didn’t want to give up.
WorldAnvil was a place I could be safe. I quickly learned the platform would also allow me to grow the creations of my mind without limits. To this day, the owners and staff of WorldAnvil have added every single feature I requested for the development of Wanted Hero. Every…single…thing.
*sob* It just…makes me…so happy.
[That’s me in 2019 …during a live Twitch stream, promoting a platform that does NOT ‘sponsor’ me, cause I love them…]
In less than a year of building my world, and rubbing shoulders with whom I now call my dearest of friends, the owners of WorldAnvil invited me to their Inner Sanctum. A small group of ‘power users’ who love the platform as much as I do, and have made their creative home there. We are all simply users of the platform, like everyone else, except for more direct access to the owners and staff to provide feedback.
We still pay for our accounts. We still build our worlds.
But we see the potential and power of how this can, does, and will affect the various creative industries of the world…and we want to help this happen.
WorldAnvil helps me organize my thoughts for Wanted Hero, and gives readers a place to enjoy their favorite characters. To delve deeper into the world of lore, and to see the artwork I craft as I write stories on Substack.
Summer Camp is when Wanted Hero has gigantic growth spurts, and you get to see it!
How Summer Camp Works
WorldAnvil releases 4 waves of prompts. Every Saturday in July at 10am Pacific/6pm UK, they unveil new prompts on the stream followed by the challenge page.
Each prompt wave has 8 themed prompts and 2 Wild Card prompts. Community members sponsor and judge prompts.
Click the buttons under the prompts to create articles (min 300 words). Submit prompts (in any order) from the article editing interface.
Win a Copper (any 8 prompts), Silver (any 16 prompts), Gold (any 24 prompts), or Diamond (any 32 prompts) badge at the end of Summer Camp (plus prizes too!)
Challenge begins: 1st July 2023, 7pm UK time/11am Pacific time
Challenge ends: 1st August 2023, 7pm UK time/11am Pacific time
The Basic Rules
• Complete the prompts in any order you like. The challenge deadline is final.
• You must use the indicated worldbuilding template for each prompt.
• Each article must be new (created during July 2023), and created using your own original content.
The Detailed Rules
• 300 words per article. The article needs to have at least 300 words to be submitted to a prompt. There is no maximum word count.
• New original content only. All content must be your own worldbuilding, and articles must be created during July.
• No art theft. You must have permission to use any art you post publicly on World Anvil, and all art must be credited using the artist credit fields or in the article footer.
• Only one account per person may enter the Summer Camp. Note that the use of multiple accounts is against the World Anvil Terms of Service. There can be multiple submissions from the same world (in collaborative worlds) and you can submit articles from different worlds.
• You can only submit worldbuilding content for the challenge. Meta, blog, meme and other non-worldbuilding content are not eligible for the challenge.
• As always, World Anvil claims no ownership over your original work.
Remember, I promised the key to the candy store? Well, just because you’re not in the competition, doesn’t mean you’re excluded from reading the entries! That’s right — you can find every entry — through the Summer Camp main page. It’s PUBLIC. You can select a competition prompt that interests you, click the "List All Entries" button, and access every contest entry from the Summer Camp main page!
Best part about this, is you’ll also discover new worlds each article is attached to.
Here’s your key to the candy store:
Let The Games Begin!
This is week one, which means Copper Prompts, and the theme for Copper is "Power". I now have until this next Saturday to write 8-10 of the following prompts, adapted to the world of Wanted Hero:
A Powerful Organization [organization template] — This could be political, magic, ideas or morals, or something completely different (think Illuminati).
A Seat of Power (of any kind) [settlement template] — organizational headquarters that happens to be a symbol of power (think Minas Tirith, from Lord of the Rings).
A Resource That Provides Fuel or Power [material template] — make sure this feels relevant to your world and what the fuels for (oil, gas, metals).
An Animal Associated with, or Symbolizing, Power [species template] — a symbol of power, maybe rebellion, showing strength, determination, or a mark of power (think dragons, snakes, bears).
A Culture That Has Suffered Under The Rule of a Stronger Nation [ethnicity template] — the gain of power many times comes at the cost of another. If it’s political power, that cost is likely to be a people (think Jewish & Native Americans).
A Conflict Between Two Unequal Powers in Your World [military conflict template] — most significant stories use conflict to create dynamics. This often makes a story more relatable (think David and Goliath).
The Title & Responsibilities of an Important Person in Your World [title template] — think of someone with great responsibility, even if the person is not THE one in charge (think Jedi Master).
A Destructive Natural or Supernatural Element [natural law template] — extreme weather (think of a Tsunami).
Wild Card prompts
Every week, Summer Camp also provides two prompts that are not related to the theme. This is so helpful for those of us who have very particular worlds — and may not use all the original prompts. If you need a break from the Power theme, you can answer these instead. My personal goal is to complete these on top of the original eight.
A species known for its mischievous personality [species template].
A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity [tradition template].
My Summer Camp Goals
The goal for Wanted Hero for 2023 is the same that it’s been every year since I started, and that’s Diamond, baby! You can read my public pledge on Wanted Hero.
Hate to admit this, but I’m addicted to the badges offered. I love collecting them and filling up my bio page with the creative treats to show off. It’s silly, I know, but it’s also fun.
It’s important for me to make sure your fiction-addiction is fed. Now you have the link to all the competitors…but you’ll also get to see my entry ideas. I’ll write the prompts and collect them for you here in the newsletter. That way, you don’t have to go hunting for them. That’s the whole point of subscribing anyway, isn’t it?
Have fun looking through the entries…which will populate as the month goes on. Be patient and make sure you tab the main hub page. Here it is again:
See you next week with more goodies.
Light up the Forge!!!
Good luck excited to see what you create.