The last coffee avatar makes me look wayyyy too old. I can fix that.
One advantage of being a cartoonist is when you don't like what something looks can change it. Just watch.
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I don’t like feeling old. I also love drawing. Thought I’d solve one by using the other.
I know life can be painful, and it can oftentimes be hard. Don’t give into it. Don’t fold, fall back and if you fall down, get up.
Always get up, one more time than you get knocked down.
Trust me when I say that you don’t know all the eyes that watch you. Those around you who gain a measure of courage, hope and inspiration because YOU exist.
It’s true.
You matter.
That’s my point.
I wish I could let people into my mind and heart, to show you how I painfully ache for those who hurt, who struggle, and for those who think they are anything less than amazing. Priceless.
I’m a horrible person in many ways, but I get broken.
I get struggle. The effort it takes to find the reasons to take another step forward. To complete another day.
…but it’s worth it.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
…cone with exceptional experiences, meeting and mixing with those who see your value and treasure the time they get to spend with you, out of their own free will and choice.
Does it get any better, than to have people choose to be with you?
I mean, that’s pretty great, right?
Leave a comment — I’d appreciate feedback.
Paid subscribers can comment, access the archive of this site, along with other stories, art, and any article I’ve ever written. If you aren’t a paid subscriber, you can access the archive for free with a 7-day trial OR earn a paid membership by joining the referral program! Contact me if you need our ‘hardship scholarships’ — used for military, first responders, homeschoolers and those in countries with horrible exchange rates — we have a deeeep discount for you.
I could watch content like that for hours. Also, I second @User51 The order you drew it was fascinating and impressive.
One of the things that impressed the heck out of me is watching you draw. To start with the mug and just know where to put the eye is so next next next level! I would have to block out the entire thing with circles and rectangles and I still wouldn't get it right. Are you a leftie? Or were you holding the mug and looking in a mirror while drawing with your right? Ah. You can probably just draw yourself from imagination!