Morning Coffee 19 : Yes, you were adopted,...but they brought you back.
Got the best news of the year on Tuesday.
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You’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future.
My biggest fear has been alleviated. My wife still loves me. Heck, she even likes me on most days. I have at least a couple friends…and of course, I have you. On top of all that, I get to write and publish stories.
I’d say that’s a good life. Good perspective to start the week with.
Enjoy the video and have a wonderful day. There are goodies ready to fill your inbox all week long.
How you’re doing this week? I want to know.
Say good morning in a comment!
Paid subscribers can comment, access the archive of this site, along with other stories, art, and any article I’ve ever written. If you aren’t a paid subscriber, you can access the archive for free with a 7-day trial OR earn a paid membership by joining the referral program! Contact me if you need our ‘hardship scholarships’ — used for military, first responders, homeschoolers and those in countries with horrible exchange rates — we have a deeeep discount for you.
Yeah, after today's experiences, I'm going to go with this new thingy I've been pondering on.
Look for it next Tuesday.