Morning Coffee 27: Should We Have A Theme Song?
Hey, Critical Roll as one....why not us? Phht.
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What a fantastic week already.
It was a long night, having kids sleeping in my bedroom on the floor while mom and the older siblings are gone at a home birth event.
So much to do this week to make sure our family trip still happens.
Hope your morning is awesome and bright.
So nice the weather is waring up and we can all spend more time outside, with family, friends, and the sunshine!
Alright….I should probably stop smiling so much. It’s puttin’ stress on my cheeks.
How are YOU today? Let me know:
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You absolutely need a theme song. At least to me , in my little corner of the world, the theme song goes with the Wanted Hero stories and vibe they give. At least for me it does.
Themesong is interesting but I just wonder if it fits the genre of the world. Perhaps it does, but yeah. As long as you like it :D Also I pray you feel better soon. PLUS, I'm so glad that the baby has arrived! Always keeping you and your family in prayer. Also, congrats on being shortlisted for Best World! I heard it on the stream Saturday. Though I couldn't watch the whole thing live, in the midst of chaos, I checked in and heard your name.