
Love this. As someone who does teach those types of classes: it is easier to sell classes than books. Sounds like you'd attracted the wrong crowd to your blog with all of those articles. Hopefully the stories that you are posting now will attract people who want to buy books! I suspect many of the clients that your marketing friend worked with had other ways of monetizing things than selling books. Books are hard. I once cornered a marketing guru and asked about selling books and it was amusing to see him honestly pause. He was very straight forward and said that it is HARD. It sounds like you gave it a great try. I'm curious - you know I love statistics - what were you writing about? Were you sharing stories? I'm so curious. And then there's another question that I ask writers: were you having fun? Because I think that is more important than how often you post.

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I was encouraged to be "me" during that bout. Which is funny, because I was thinking much the same as the question you're asking...but I've done that also.

That seven months was a combination of what I'm doing now - writing stories and talking about family life.

What I'm looking to do is simplify my life, Deleyna.

I want to share what I'm writing, create some fun merchandise, create a game or ten out of this, and keep building relationships with you and those who hang around. That's my plan.

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That sounds like a recipe for success to me.

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I personally help people with marketing as well (though I haven't personally had much success with my own stuff) but the main thing I tell them is, CLICKS does not equal SALES. VIEWS does not equal VISITS. If you're trying to get your stuff to "blow up", you can be the most popular guy on any platform and still not make any money. Paying to put your ad in people's faces doesn't guarantee they will like the content and buy it. I'm sure there are ads and commercials you see, laugh at, and even like to watch. Catchy jingles that get stuck in your head. But how often do you shop there? When's the last time you ate that snack? Is that even your insurance provider? The ad industry is a lucrative business, but they are doling out more money than they end up making, oftentimes. You have to have a big enough budget that, if ten million people see your ads, you'd better be okay with just one hundred of them actually patronizing your business.

I know it may feel like you're a stone to kick around, but many people have a lot going on, too. When people go through things, its easy to think that they're worse off than everyone else because they're in their own situation and no one else can see what's happening with them...but the same is true. They can't see what's going on with others, either. I know it's frustrating but I am glad you are also counting your blessings. I've never had any sales like that. 9,000, 3,000, not even a steady trickle. People think I am super successful because of my website and how many platforms I have and how much money I spend, but I work two jobs, always working seven days a week. My creative endeavors don't even level out to what I spend towards them. I go way into the negative with no monetary gain. The few pity donations I receive a year can't even pay any bills. But, it's okay. I trust that I'm doing what God wants me to do. And, as you said, the people who need to see it will see it. The people who need to read it will read it. It is fun to hear back from the crowd and learn that you're actually making an impact. It seems that happens to you more than it happens to me, though lol. I often feel that I'm sending things into the void and there's no guarantee anyone is even benefiting. But I just keep going and keep doing it anyways because I feel that it's what God wants me to do.

I'd really love to make money off of this someday, if not for the fact that I can have more time in my schedule and not have to juggle it all with two "real paycheck" jobs and several freelance side gigs. I even recently learned I'm being laid off again (same thing happened last year) so I really have to figure things out. But I just keep praying and keep going.

I sometimes wonder if people who CAN pay would even like my stuff. I don't want to change for views. I don't want to change to fit the ideals that the world wants to see. That's the whole point of my stuff. It's supposed to be different from the world. Some may be offended by it or think it's boring or what have you. No idea. Perhaps, it's the folks who can't pay who may be my only audience, so I'll keep doing it for them. I may never know.

God bless you always and I do pray that you have more success. Sending love and hugs.

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